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"Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence in the field of computer science that often uses statistical techniques to give computers the ability to "learn" (i.e., progressively improve performance on a specific task) with data, without being explicitly programmed.


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  1. This article discusses the latest open LLM (large language model) releases, including Mixtral 8x22B, Meta AI's Llama 3, and Microsoft's Phi-3, and compares their performance on the MMLU benchmark. It also talks about Apple's OpenELM and its efficient language model family with an open-source training and inference framework. The article also explores the use of PPO and DPO algorithms for instruction finetuning and alignment in LLMs.
  2. - standardization, governance, simplified troubleshooting, and reusability in ML application development.
    - integrations with vector databases and LLM providers to support new applications -
    provides tutorials on integrating
  3. This article provides a beginner-friendly introduction to Large Language Models (LLMs) and explains the key concepts in a clear and organized way.
    2024-05-10 Tags: , , , , , by klotz
  4. • Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) pipelines for Machine Learning (ML) applications
    • Importance of CI/CD in ML lifecycle
    • Designing CI/CD pipelines for ML models
    • Automating model training, deployment, and monitoring
    • Overview of tools and platforms used for CI/CD in ML
  5. • This is an MCU-based vision AI module powered by Arm Cortex-M55 and Ethos-U55, supporting TensorFlow and PyTorch frameworks.
    • It has a standard CSI interface, onboard digital microphone, and SD card slot.
    • Compatible with XIAO series, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and ESP dev board.
    • Supports off-the-shelf and custom AI models from SenseCraft AI, including Mobilenet V1, V2, Efficientnet-lite, Yolo v5 & v8.
    • Can be used for industrial automation, smart cities, transportation, smart agriculture, and mobile IoT devices.
  6. A simple and fast data pipeline foundation with sophisticated functionality.
    2024-05-08 Tags: , , , by klotz
  7. • A beginner's guide to understanding Hugging Face Transformers, a library that provides access to thousands of pre-trained transformer models for natural language processing, computer vision, and more.
    • The guide covers the basics of Hugging Face Transformers, including what it is, how it works, and how to use it with a simple example of running Microsoft's Phi-2 LLM in a notebook
    • The guide is designed for non-technical individuals who want to understand open-source machine learning without prior knowledge of Python or machine learning.
  8. LangChain has many advanced retrieval methods to help address these challenges. (1) Multi representation indexing: Create a document representation (like a summary) that is well-suited for retrieval (read about this using the Multi Vector Retriever in a blog post from last week). (2) Query transformation: in this post, we'll review a few approaches to transform humans questions in order to improve retrieval. (3) Query construction: convert human question into a particular query syntax or language, which will be covered in a future post
    2024-05-06 Tags: , , , by klotz
  9. This article discusses cyclical encoding as an alternative to one-hot encoding for time series features in machine learning. Cyclical encoding provides the same information to the model with significantly fewer features.

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